Do you perform Insurance Replacement Cost Appraisals that I need for my insurance carrier?

Yes, we perform Replacement Cost Appraisal Reports otherwise known as Insurable Value Appraisal Reports. We utilize Marshall & Swift/CoreLogic construction cost method, as requested by Citizens and other insurance carriers. This cost estimating program is recognized as a complete, authoritative guide for developing Reconstruction costs and insurable values of buildings and other improvements.

I don’t need a full appraisal, what other services can you provide?

We understand that not every appraisal request will need a comprehensive narrative appraisal report. There are instances where this is an excessive amount of work in time and cost. But instead of a traditional Appraisal Report, we can provide a Restricted Appraisal Report. This is a reduced scope of work in the reporting and communication of the appraisal results. However, the value conclusion is the same. The best way to describe the difference is whether a teacher asks a student to either provide the answer or show their work. The Restricted Appraisal Report has different (reduced) reporting requirements, but our value conclusion remains the same regardless of the method we communicate the results; and hence this tends to be a lower cost option. However, there are times that while a lower cost would be preferable, it is still recommended or required that an Appraisal Report is the most appropriate product. Please call to discuss the options available.

For lender clients, do you preform Evaluations?

Yes, a significant part of our practice is for lending and financing work and we do perform Evaluations for our clients. We stay current with FREAB guidance, as well as the Interagency Guidelines. The benefit of ordering an Eval from our firm is that it will be a Real Estate Appraiser performing the report. We offer various levels of scope of work, including both USPAP and NON-USPAP compliance as well as inspections vs drive-by or no inspections. Please call to discuss the options available or send your bid request to [email protected].